take care of yourself | 5 underrated self care tips

Life can get really really hard at times. Like really hard, and sometimes you just don't have the time, or energy, or willpower, to do anything of serious substance to make your self feel better. I also know that some of you are really dreading this holiday season. It's like, there's this amazing time to relax and enjoy hot chocolate and candy canes but, as punishment, we also have to deal with nosy distant relatives and copious amounts of work that must be completed before the end of the new year. Believe me, I get it. So, I decided that I should share with you some of the things that I do every time I feel anxious. These are perfect for when you don't have a lot of time, or you are in between tasks.
Image result for lemon lemon difficult meme
1. Tidy up your room
I know, I know. You're probably like "ummm no???" But hear me out. Getting off your bed and actually walking around and clearing up your clutter seriously helps. For me, I often feel that clearing out my room also assists in clearing my head.

2. Doodle. Scribble on ANYTHING.
This is such a simple and easy thing to do. If you are not a good drawer or simply don't want to, there are tons of adult colouring books. If you're not into that, you can just scribble around on a plain piece of paper. The awesome thing about this tip is that you can do it for 30 seconds or hours at a time. I also enjoy the convenience that I can do it pretty much wherever. I prefer to draw on my skin, but do what you like.

3.Talk to your siblings and see what they're up to. Or your mom, or your dad.
Just talk to someone that you don't always talk to, you might be surprised at how much you enjoy it. TIP: If you are new to this, don't linger for too long. Two minutes is a good starting time.

4. Go Outside
I know this one can be very hard for some people but trust me, it's amazing what a breath of fresh air can do for an anxious person. If you want to take it a bit further, go for a walk or read a book to extend your time outside.
If it's not something you ca do right now, I recommend opening your curtains and windows, and sitting next to the window for a bit. It may not have the same results as actually going outside, but it should be helpful.

5. Go to sleep as early as you possibly can.
You may not be able to feel better today, but by tomorrow, when you wake up, you should feel a bit better. I recommend putting on some rain sounds and cuddling up in your blanket. If you cant fall asleep, I would also suggest one of those things you put over your eyes to make everything nice and dark.

Take Note: All of these are most successful when you BREATHE. It's easy to stop breathing when that pressure begins to build in your head, but try to stay conscious of your breath. It's very important for when you are trying to calm down.


Anyways, those are my five, underrated (in my opinion) tips for self care. I hope that you will try at least one thing on this list. In my experience, it really doesn't hurt to try anything that may make you feel better.
I hope all of you have a wonderful,blessed day. Stay safe, and remember to be true to yourselves!

Hugs and Kisses,
Your Average Blogger

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  1. Anonymous30.11.17

    Thank so so much for this! I'm really feeling some pressure and I never seem to have enough time. I've never been much of a drawer, but i'm gonna try it out!

    1. Wow thank you so much for stopping by! I hope it works out for you. Have a blessed day xx


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